12 Apr 2016

How to Crack WinRaR Protected Files Password

How to Crack WinRaR Protected Files Password
WinRAR is a trialware file archiver and compressor utility for Windows. How to Crack WinRaR Protected Files PasswordIt can create archives in RAR or ZIP file formats, and unpack numerous archive file formats. There is an Android app called “RAR for Android”, and command-line versions called “RAR” and “UNRAR” .
WinRAR is a tool to compress large files into smaller size. And sometime when you download any winrar file from internet sometime they are protected with a password and can’t get open without its password. And to get it you get through some shitty surveys that you might not interested to do. So to overcome this we have a way to unlock password protected RAR files. For that you have to follow the complete guide discussed below.

How to Crack WinRaR Protected Files Password

The method is quite simple using a tool that will refix your password and you can open the locked winrar files easily. So proceed with the simple steps below to unlock your RAR files.

Steps To Crack Password Protected WinRAR Files:

    1. First of all download and install the too iSumsoft RAR Password Refixer in your windows PC.
    2. Now launch the software and you will see screen like below.How to Crack WinRaR Protected Files Password
    3. Click on open button there and locate your rar file that is password protected.How to Crack WinRaR Protected Files Password
    4. Now there select the attack type that you want to perform to unlock your rar files. If one not work keep on trying other one.
  1. Now just click on start button there.
  2. Process will start and your password will be refixed with a new one that you will get on the screen from this tool.How to Crack WinRaR Protected Files Password
  3. Use the password and you are done with opening password protected RAR files.


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